Best time to visit in Kumbhalgarh

The climate of Kumbhalgarh is hot and dry (tropical) and traveling in the months of summer could be tiresome. So it is advisable to visit Kumbhalgarh during winters, hence the ideal time to visit Kumbhalgarh is between October to March, because the weather during winters is comfortable for sightseeing and experience numerous things to do in Kumbhalgarh. And if you are lucky enough you can spot wildlife also in Kumbhalgarh wildlife Sanctuary 

Kumbhalgarh in winter (October- March) 

The months of October to March are quite pleasant and serve as a perfect time for sightseeing and engaging yourself in several other activities in the city. The climate is pleasant and cool ranging from 28 degree Celsius to 35 degree Celsius. It is the best time to visit the Kumbhalgarh Wildlife Sanctuary. And some of the best things to do in the Sanctuary during this season are: 

1.Bird watching 

2.Witnessing wildlife are the primary activities enjoyed by all the tourists

And if you love photography, this trip will be remarkablefor clicking amazing pictures and you will take back a suitcase full of memories.

Kumbhalgarh in Monsoon (July-September) 

During monsoon Kumbhalgarh receives moderate to heavy rainfall and the place looks much more beautifulcalming and pleasant during these months. If you are a nature lover and rain enthusiastsyou will surely cherish and enjoy your trip to Kumbhalgarh throughout your lifetime. Rains begin by the start of September, and it denotes the flight of rainstorm from Kumbhalgarh, in spite of the fact that the climate stays charming and pleasant.

Kumbhalgarh in summer (April-June)

Rajasthan being a desert state, summer in Kumbhalgarh is significantly hot and humid. In any case, Kumbhalgarh gets good number of travelers in early winters. The warm and dry days are trailed by cool night times, making a fairly appropriate feel for enjoying different activities. So, generally it is not advised to visit Kumbhalgarh during the months of summer.

Happy Travellers

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